Friday, 25 September 2015

Here we go!!! Greenland Biodesign 2015

Well hello, communications director Liam here, welcome to my first ever post on the UTC Innovation Labs blog! I aim to give weekly updates on the dealings of Greenland, and any new aspects within the labs. I hope to be consistent, though I cannot promise this. If I do miss any weeks, I will sincerely apologize while I’m ahead. Now… On to the post!

It’s a new year and a new start to the UTC, and I hope by now that everyone is now settled in and ready for what the year will bring, we at Greenland sure have. Already, we have begun creating ideas for projects, and have undergone a management restructuring, with year 13 and year 12 alike. The new senior scientific supervisor for Greenland is Rachael Winrow, with Tom Garvey as the director of research and development, and Moira Morgan as the laboratory superintendent. A full summary of the current members of Greenland can be seen below:

The process of enrolling new members for Greenland was a long and challenging task for Professor Hornby and Dr Dyer, as there was a great abundance of enthusiastic young minds that were already itching to go. As you can most likely see, there are still places available at Greenland, and I do encourage you to join if you are interested, as it is an opportunity that can open many doors in the future of scientific careers. In other news, I have recently finished creating the prep room requisition forms. These forms are going to be used for requesting materials from the prep rooms, while also making it easier for the lab team to get you what is needed, as they will now have a record of what is needed, and who needs. The form is as follows:

The forms will be located near each prep room door. Note that your desired materials will not be ready at the correct time if you do not use one of these forms, as the lab team can only handle so much!

That’s all for this week Hope it has given you a good overview of the week, and I will be back next week.


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